The Gospel of the Kingdom from the Mount of Olives

The book entitled The Gospel of the Kingdom explains Jesus’ prophecies (Jesus belongs to the Essenes sect), based on the synoptic writings of the New Testament.  In his words, he refers to our days, the year 2027, the end of the days, the days of the awakening, or the days when the wise men will comprehend the prophecy.
We need to refer to the holy synoptic writings which have survived the crisis of the days without any prejudice and try to absorb the reality dictated by our predecessors, when this reality, concealed in the Holy Scriptures, suddenly appears in its own time and mysterious manner.

Mathew 24:14-15: 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. 15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, (the wise men) let him understand:)

When sitting on the Mount of Olives, Jesus prophesizes the main prediction of the Gospel of the Kingdom. In front of him, the Temple is standing and in his vision, he sees the Dome of the Rock, the abomination and desolation, which replaces the Temple in Jerusalem. The sole purpose for this is to create a signal and a reference point for the prophecies of the Holy Scriptures, which refer to the year 2027, the new and future reality, and represent the beginning of understanding the spiritual reality It is a new world order (novus ordo seclorum).

The new (former) reality was always was misunderstood because we did not have the proper insight to do so; however, the prophets in their own ways and Jesus in particular knew how to hint the new reality in the synoptic writings. This reality is parallel to the reality of our lives in the Holy Scriptures; the synoptic writings are some sort of proof where the new reality is hidden. Jesus knew how to tell his disciples about it but they did not understand it fully at the time.

Luke 21:15: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. 

The Gospel of the Kingdom is a book which gives us a new perspective; it is a study chapter for us to understand the new (former) reality, but only when we possess different and proper tools, the opportunity shall appear. Through it, we shall be able to create a fresh insight according to the prophecy and be able to hold the new states dictated to us so that we can look at the reality with other eyes (prophetic vision).

It will become easy and simple for the reader to reach the middle of the book and read the prophecy. However, without understanding its values, all spiritual significance and the chronology of historical events based on the prophecy, we shall be committing a sin regarding the spiritual reality. It surrounds our lives without our understanding the new (previous) one; it is the essence of our lives in the Gospel of the Kingdom which refers to the year 2027 according to Jesus.

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