Modal Portfolio

Click on thumbnails to view project details

Mosaic – Designs and Patterns


Financial Guide for Single Mothers

Self Help

Financial Guide for Single Women

Self Help

Investing Guide in 7 Winning Steps

Self Help

Emily and Daniel First Dollar

Children & Youth

15 Ways To Say Good Night – Volume 1

Children & Youth

15 Ways to Say Good Night – Volume 3

Children & Youth

Berlin: Then and Today: Part 1

Non Fiction

Berlin: Then and Today: Part 2

Non Fiction

Candy’s Chocolate Kingdom

Children & Youth

Change Your Mindset: Think Like The Rich

Self Help

Chocolate House – Rhymes

Children & Youth

Encounters of Fate


The Gospel of the Kingdom from the Mount of Olives

Non Fiction

How to get rid of a witch: Overcoming childhood fears

Children & Youth

Hypnotic Dreams: Stories of people who have experienced hypnosis therapy

Self Help

In Her Own Way: Love and life between wars


How Kabbalistic Numerology Can Help Maintain a Relationship?

Self Help

Loans 101: How to get a loan. Pay Less and Get More (Money Management Series)

Self Help

Mandala Yoga – A Journey Along the Chakras: From Rooting to Growth


Mastering Organizational Change: Theory and Practice

Self Help

Max and the Bakters

Children & Youth

Children’s Book: Mia’s Tooth Fairy (Fairy tales)

Children & Youth

Children’s book: Moshe Comes to Visit: Fun Rhyming book about Overcoming fears and positive thinking

Children & Youth

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